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Вопрос: Как для созданного списка файлов и папок получить системные иконки для отображения в списке?

Ответ :

Для одного файла это делается примерно так:


// calling parameters: 
//      filepath - path, name, and extension of file for which to retrieve the icon. 
// return value: 
//      a handle to a Windows icon (an HICON ) - caller is responsible for 
//      deleting this handle with the     Windows API DestroyIcon() call. failure 
//      to delete the icon will result in     memory leakage. 
// usage example: 
//      HICON hIcon = GetAssociatedIcon("c:\\autoexec.bat"); 
//      [ ...use the icon... ] 
//      : [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]estroyIcon(hIcon); 

HICON __fastcall GetAssociatedIcon (AnsiString filepath) 
    // if the filepath is empty, we'll assume  that we're looking for the 
    // icon associated with the "txt"   extension. unfortunately, 
    // SHGetFileInfo() apparently fails if the    target file doesn't actually 
    // exist, so we'll rely on an arcane     feature present since the early 
    // days of DOS... a filename for which the     name portion matches a DOS 
    // device actually points to the device...   so "nul.txt" actually 
    // references the NUL: device. yeah, well,    anyway, it works. well, 
    // sort of... apparently the extension is    actually ignored and we 
    // get back a default icon. good enough for  me -- nobody's paying 
    // for this anyway. 
    AnsiString s = filepath; 
    if (s == "") 
        s = "nul.txt"; // changed to    use ExtractAssociatedIcon() 
    WORD iconIndex = 0; 
    HICON hIcon = 0; 
    try { 
        char buf[MAX_PATH]; // executable path     written back here 
        strncpy(buf, s.c_str(), sizeof(buf)); 
        hIcon = ::ExtractAssociatedIcon(HInstance,   buf, &iconIndex); 
    } catch (...) { 
        hIcon = 0; 
    return hIcon; 
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) 
    HICON   hIcon = GetAssociatedIcon(ParamStr(0)); 
    DrawIcon(Canvas->Handle, 10, 10, hIcon); 
    : [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]estroyIcon(hIcon); 


(c) 2003 Borland X Portal
Электронные Книги по компьютерным программам
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